This is an SNTP time synchronization client/server for the more advanced user wishing to maintain network time synchronization and services under 32 bit versions of WindowsTM XP, Server 2003, Vista, and Server 2008. It is an effective tool for the desktop and also includes important features to support deployment in enterprise networks. From a single workstation, the administrator can remotely configure, monitor, troubleshoot, and track licensing of enterprise-wide SNTPServ client and server components.
This product incorporates full SNTP client and server function in complete compliance with RFC2030 - Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4. It adds tools required in the enterprise and builds on the experience and time tested algorithms developed for YATS32 without carrying forward the legacy features required by a desktop Windows 9X application.
A complete list of benefits:
-No GUI included drastically reducing size and resource consumption.
-Optimized for performance as Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008 service.
-Uses advanced WINSOCK 2 features, such as support for muti-homed systems
-Low overhead minimizes Impact on server resources.
-Built-in Protection against denial of service attacks.
-Logging of 4 levels of events to the system application log.
-Full support for broadcast and multicast in client and server mode.
-Supports all 32 bit versions of Windows XP, server 2003, Vista, and Server 2008.
-Takes advantage of clock Frequency adjustment to avoid stepping (time warps).
-Supports any Combination of time servers polled in a sequential or parallel fashion for maximum flexibility and accuracy.
-Remote provisioning and control.
-Supports native 64-bit Execution for best performance on 64-bit operating systems.